Our Top Travel Resources

We’ve collected some of our favourite travel resources below that we use every time we book our next adventures. You’ll find everything here including our favourite transport websites for booking flights, car hire and public transport. We’ve also included different sites for booking your accommodation whether it’s a hotel, hostel or some unique places. You can also find a link to our favourite tour companies we use when we want to book an organised tour. Lastly, let’s not forget about foreign currency, so we’ve included our favourite travel card that we don’t leave the country without.

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Booking.com is the first website we check when booking our next accommodation. Whenever we have a week or less to stay somewhere we usually book a hotel. Plus with their Genius Level 3 discounts we can get some great prices.


If we want to book something different than a hotel, we always check Vrbo. It’s a great site to book a unique family holiday rental or, in our case, if we want to stay somewhere a bit more private.


We always check Airbnb if we want to find some unique places to stay or are planning on staying somewhere for over a week. Nothing is better than having a homey place when we’re on the road for a long time.


Want to save some pennies on your accommodation? Why not try TrustedHousesitters for free and stay in unique homestays around the world, in exchange for caring for adorable pets.


If you’re travelling solo booking a hostel is a great way to meet new friends. Many hostels will offer private rooms as well, which we love booking to have our own privacy, but you’ll still be able to socialise at the same time.



WayAway is a flight aggregator that provides you with the best rates on airline tickets. With their WayAway Plus Membership plan you can even get cashback on flights, accommodations, car rentals, tours, and more. Get 10% off your Plus Membership with code: ‘kittiandjon’.


Our other go-to website for comparing flight prices. We love that you can put an entire month in the search to see which dates are the cheapest. We also use its ‘Everywhere’ function which gives you some cool ideas if you don’t know where to go next.

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Tour Companies


Whenever we book an organised tour, we see what GetYourGuide has to offer. This online tour agency has a ton of different tours and excursions to choose from operating in over 150 countries and many different languages.


Similar to GetYourGuide, we also compare available tours on Viator before booking an organised tour. The company is also an online tour agency that has thousands of tours and excursions on their website from all over the world.

Getting Around


If you love road trips and stopping at off the beaten path places then renting a car is always a great idea. We love Discovercars because you can find the best rates as it compares local, national and international companies.


We love using trains as a means of transport to save our carbon footprint. We always book our tickets with Trainline which also provides information on bus fares. Check out some Railcard options to save some pennies on your train fares.


The cheapest means of transport is somehow always by bus. We’ve been on many long-haul bus rides across Europe, the USA, Mexico and South America. BusBud is a great website to find and compare bus companies across the world.


Operating in Europe, North America and Brazil, Flixbus is a company that offers some very affordable bus tickets. If you want to save some money whilst traveling through your next country, then definitely check out their website.

Foreign Currency


Whenever we can we prefer to pay in local currency and for that we always use our Wise card. We can easily withdraw money from ATM’s or pay by card at most shops and restaurants.